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The Fate of Us (The Broken Lyrics Duet Book 2) Page 10

I laugh wholeheartedly at that. My fiery, redheaded vixen.

  I move up the bed and tease her entrance with my cock. Her eyes roll back in her head at the briefest touch of pressure. I lean over her, holding my palm to her cheek. “I love you.”

  Those words alone make her face soften just as I claim her mouth with mine. She tries to grind her pussy into me but I am just out of her reach. I let go of her mouth as my hands caress her body again, making her squirm from my touch. And just when she thinks I’m not going to give her what she wants, I slam into her hard.

  She feels like fucking heaven. I pull out slowly, relishing the feel of her heat on my dick. I continue my slow movements in and out of her, bringing her pleasure to the edge but not letting her fall off it.

  She says my name over and over again as her head twists back and forth on the pillow. Her fingers gripping the bedspread, her knuckles white.

  Her eyes are closed as I get up on my knees and pull her into me, hard. Her eyes fly open as I do it and I press my thumb to her clit pushing her over the edge she so badly wanted and needed. I feel her pulse around me as I slam into her over and over. The angle intense, as I get deep into her.

  She won’t stop screaming my name and I know her orgasms keep coming, over and over again. “Too much, too much.”

  I lean forward again and whisper, “This is what you get for being a dirty cop.”

  I pull back and flip her over, her arms twisting above her head as I pull her to her knees. I grip her hips hard before slamming into her from behind. Sweat dripping down my forehead and onto her back. She looks over her shoulder at me. “I’ll be dirty again and again for you, Noah.”

  Those words only increase my speed as she screams my name. This sex is intense and wild and reckless but I don’t care because I feel closer to her than I ever have before.

  I reach around her and squeeze her clit one more time just as I release my seed into her. I pump into her a few more times both of us riding the wave.

  I collapse on to the bed next to her and she flips over to face me. I cup her cheek and bring her lips to mine. She swings her leg over my hip, grinding into me and I laugh. “Not enough for you, baby?”

  “I can never get enough of you.” Her eyes honest and sincere as her words.

  I find the key to the handcuffs on her nightstand and unlock her wrists, rubbing them as I free them.

  “Can we do that again?”

  I laugh as I pull her on top of me. “I’ll do that with you for the rest of my life.”



  I can still feel Noah between my legs as we drive to Jimmy’s for his party. Hell, I’ll be able to feel him for days.

  When I texted him that picture of the handcuffs I didn’t think it would have led to sex as rough and reckless as that, but holy shit was that amazing. I could get very used to that.

  Noah glances over at me as he parks, a knowing smirk on his face.


  “You’re beautiful. You know that?”

  I grip his hand. “I love that you tell me that every day.”

  He leans over and I think he is going to kiss me but he pulls on the clip in my hair. I reach to stop him. “Oh my god, Noah, I have sex hair. You didn’t give me enough time to fix it.”

  “We were already late.”

  I cross my arms as I turn to him. “And whose fault is that?”

  “Baby, I can’t help it that your pussy tastes that good.”

  I roll my eyes at him and go to get out of the car, trying to wrestle my wild hair back up.

  Noah chuckles at me as he gets out of the car and walks around and opens my door the rest of the way. His hand is back in my hair, pulling it down.

  “Noah, stop.”

  “Baby, sex hair is better than the marks on your neck.”

  I push him away as I pull the visor down in the car and check my neck. Sure enough there are light bruises and bite marks on my neck. “Motherfucker. Do not tell me you did this on purpose!”

  “You are the one who teased me with handcuffs and made my dick hard right before I had to talk to the chief of police.”

  I blush. It took me almost an hour to send that picture to him. I might be wild and free in the bedroom but sending him that picture made me feel a little bit dirty.

  He leans into me, kissing up my neck and I try to push him away. “Don’t you even think about leaving more.”

  He chuckles into my neck. “Mayberry, I’ll leave more later but not where you think.”

  The words send chills down my spine as I think about all the places this dirty man could leave his mark on me.

  He pulls me out of the car and we walk hand in hand into Jimmy’s. It feels weird walking in here as a patron and not an employee. But if it wasn’t for this place, I never would have laid eyes on Noah. He was my neighbor but I didn’t know him. I started to learn about him when he came in here with his police squad.

  The place is decorated with “Congratulations” signs and balloons. His partner comes up to him first and wraps an arm around him, pulling him into a tight hug.

  “Congrats, brother. You did it.”

  “Thanks, Niko.”

  “And fuck you now that I have a new partner.”

  They both laugh at that before Niko pulls me into a hug too. “Thanks for making this guy less mopey and annoying than he used to be.”

  I laugh as Noah curses at him. We make our way around the room greeting everyone I know and Noah introducing me to people I haven’t met from the police department.

  I grab a beer and sit at an empty table. I love watching Noah in his element. It’s what made me start to have feelings for him in the first place. When he would come here with other officers. So carefree and happy, not the same man I would watch from my front porch.

  I smile now as I watch him laugh with his friends. Making detective was a big deal for him. I know he wanted it more than anything but his fear kept getting the best of him. I hope I am the one that put that fear of his to rest. Because he has helped me overcome so many of my own fears. I never thought I would see the day where I felt happy and content. Sure I get nervous about my music and silly things like that. But at this moment in my life I feel at peace with everything. And I know it’s because Noah helped me get there. I never thought my heart would love as fiercely as it is now and I don’t ever want it to stop. I could see my forever with Noah.

  The thought jolts me as Carson sits next to me. “You make him happy.”

  I look over at Carson and raise a brow.

  “I’ve never seen him this happy before. Not even when he was married to Claire. She treated him like shit a lot. He never saw it but I did.”

  I don’t know what to say to that because I never knew her and I am not one to judge on the stories I hear from other people. But what I do know is I will never walk away from him like she did. “I love him you know.”

  Carson nods and takes a sip of his whiskey. “She did too.”

  “Don’t compare me to her,” I say defensively.

  “I’m not. I just don’t want you to break his heart.”

  I look over at Noah and smile as I watch him throw his head back in laughter. Enjoying the view of his perfect body in his tight jeans and tight black shirt. “I don’t want him to break mine.”

  Carson grabs my hand and squeezes. “He won’t. I’m glad he has you. I mean that, Anna. You’ve let him be the man he used to be before life wore him down.”

  “I just want him to be the man he wants to be.”

  “And that’s why you are perfect for him. I’m glad he has you.” With that, Carson walks away leaving me slightly confused.

  Mason takes his seat quickly and sets a shot glass of tequila in front of me. “Carson giving you a hard time?”

  I blink at him and shake the thoughts from my head. “Ugh no… maybe… I’m not really sure.”

  “He just wants Noah to be happy.” He pauses. “And you make him happy. Don’t listen to Carson. He is goin
g through some shit right now. He’s turning into a dick.”

  “Is everything okay?” I ask, honestly concerned for Noah’s brother.

  Mason shrugs. “Him and Tiffany are having some trouble is all.”

  “That sucks. They looked so happy last time I saw them together.”

  “Yeah well I am sure this will be short lived like usual.”

  “This happens often?” I ask as I adjust myself on the chair.

  “More or less. He is boring, let’s not talk about him.” Mason quickly changes the subject. “Did you submit your paperwork and pick out your songs?”

  I smile at that. “Yeah I did. I’m all set. I can’t believe I’m doing this!”

  Mason raises his shot glass to me. “Anna May Cooper, you are the best damn songwriter on this planet. You are going to blow them away!”

  I knock my shot glass against his and down the tequila.

  “You still have a crush on my girlfriend?” Noah asks as he walks up to us, his hand landing on my shoulder.

  Mason guffaws. “Dude, can’t you let it go? That was so long ago. And she is clearly head over heels for you.”

  My cheeks flame. I still find it weird Mason had a weird crush on me back when I was in The Sparrows. Noah leans over me, tilting my head back and kissing me.

  “I’m head over heels for her too.”

  “Ugh, you guys are gross. I’m outta here.”

  Noah fist bumps his brother as he leaves and Noah pulls me to my feet. “Did you want to go?”

  “We just got here, babe. I’m fine. You celebrate.”

  He presses his forehead against mine. “I love you.”

  I grip his shirt in my hands. “I love you too.”



  I walk into my house and head straight for my music room that is slowly being moved over to Noah’s house, our house. I open my safe and pull out the envelopes labeled rent, bills, and Nashville. As I stare at the envelope marked Nashville I wonder if I even want this anymore. I can write songs here, record them at Mason’s studio. But it won’t be the same exposure. Nashville is still my ticket to get what I want in life. To be a songwriter. To put hits on the radio.

  I am torn between staying here and my dreams of Nashville. I like my life here. I’ve fallen in love when I never thought I would be able to. I feel like I have a family here.

  But could I do it? Walk away from the life I have built here? A life I never thought I could have. Could I walk away from Noah?

  The truth is I don’t think I can. And now I am torn between following my heart and following my dream.

  At least I have the songwriting camp coming up next month. But what if I find out I love the city and I want to stay there? Or what if they want me to stay?

  I put the money away and head to my room, stripping out of my clothes and jumping in the shower.

  If Noah wakes up, he will probably wonder where I am. But I can’t see him right now. I can’t let him see me torn up like this. I’m sure he has the same thoughts too. I see it in his eyes sometimes. I can tell he means it when he says he loves me but the hesitation that is buried deep in him still shows through. Is he worried I will leave him too?

  I wake up in the most uncomfortable position on the floor of my music room. Sheet music is spread around me and my guitar is somehow half under my back. I groan as I get up feeling like I pulled a muscle.

  The smell of coffee infiltrates my nose. I know I didn’t set the auto start on the machine last night. After I got out of the shower I was still so torn about sleeping here or going to Noah’s that I decided to work on music. Obviously that didn’t work too well for me.

  I push all the sheet music into a pile and put my guitar back in its case before making my way to the kitchen. Noah is sitting at the table sipping a cup of coffee.

  We are supposed to finish moving the rest of my stuff over to his house today. One of the reasons my head was a mess last night.

  And after that there is a family dinner at his parents’ house. Another reason I really need to get my head clear.

  He rises from the table when he sees me walk in. His arms are around me and I instantly feel better. That should be answer enough for me.

  “Hey.” He kisses my forehead. “I was worried when I woke up and you weren’t next to me. But I came over here and found you passed out in your music room. Figured you must have had some inspiration last night and fell asleep. I didn’t want to wake you.”

  I walk over to the coffee pot and pour myself a cup. “You should have. I woke up in the worst position.” I grab my back and try to stretch it out.

  Noah’s hands are on me instantly. “Want me to give you a massage?”

  I scoff at him. “No, I should try yoga. If you give me a massage you will probably have my clothes off within five minutes and then none of my shit will get moved.”

  He laughs. “You’re probably right. You still want to move everything today? If your back hurts I don’t want you to injure yourself more.”

  I wave him off. “I’ll be fine. Besides the realtor told me there would be showings this week and I would prefer to be gone before all that happens.”

  “Okay, babe. Well why don’t you start your yoga and I’ll pack up the kitchen.”


  An hour later I feel refreshed and relaxed. The yoga helped clear my mind and the stress from my body. Even now as I watch Noah pack my things with care I know I am making the right decision. I love him. I love him more than I’ve ever loved anyone. There will come a time when I have to figure out what’s more important, my dreams or my heart, but right now I am sticking with my heart. Besides, maybe I will be able to have both one day.

  “I can’t wait for your house to finally look like a home,” I tease him.

  “Our house, Mayberry.”

  I smile at him, a warmth flooding my body at his words. “Our house.”

  “It could definitely use more plants. The one you brought over already made me feel like my house was a home.”

  “And just think you can get rid of that nasty old leather sofa in your living room and we can use mine.”

  He stops what he is doing and stares at me. “My what? That sofa is not going anywhere.”

  I roll my eyes at him. “It’s going to the curb. That thing is hideous. And uncomfortable. Don’t even try to fight me on that.”

  “It’s not hideous.”

  I shake my head as I reach for Noah. “The thing looks like it’s twenty years old.”

  “It’s well loved.”

  “It’s gone.”

  He scowls at me. “If I didn’t love you, I might call this whole thing off.”

  “Good thing you do love me.” I wink at him as I head to my room to pack.

  We spend the afternoon moving furniture and boxes across our driveways. I managed to win on the couch debate when Asher came over to help move heavy furniture. But Noah being the stubborn man he is, didn’t get rid of his awful couch. Instead he moved it into the basement because he decided he would need a man cave at some point.

  I manage to set up a lot of my décor in his living room, bringing the room to life. I adjust the succulents on the mantle when he comes into the room wrapping his arms around me.

  “Thank you.”

  I look over my shoulder at him. “For what?”

  He rests his chin on my shoulder. “For making this house a home.”

  “It’s just a few decorations but it makes a difference.”

  “No. You. You make this house a home.”

  I turn in his arms and see the sincerity in his eyes. And love, so much love for me. I kiss him. I never thought I would find a love like the one he gives me.

  “Ahem.” Asher clears his throat. “I know that you are old creepy horn dogs but can you not do that in front of me.”

  “Says the guy who tried to kiss me at my job.” I laugh.

  Asher’s face goes red. “I thought we said we wouldn’t talk about that again.”
  “We must have forgotten,” Noah says as he grabs my hand. “Come on, we should head to Mom and Dad’s.”

  The three of us pile into Noah’s SUV and head into the mountains. It’s a peaceful drive, one that I should take more often. The thoughts I had early filter through my brain as I get lost in the views overlooking the smoky mountains.

  I’ve grown accustomed to being here. Living in Asheville has helped me find a lot of the peace I was searching for over many years. Maybe this was supposed to be where I ended up. In the beautiful lush mountains surrounded by creeks and rivers. A place that I can easily call home. A place that feels like home.

  The fears I have about leaving Noah and chasing my dreams seem almost resolute. Why can’t I have both? Why can’t I live my dream here?

  Noah reaches over the console and grabs my thigh, giving it a tight squeeze. I look over at him and smile as my hand covers his. He faces the road but I can’t take my eyes off him. This perfect man. A man I never thought could be mine. He is loyal and protective. He loves fiercely and hard. He is not one to take me for granted or throw me away when something better comes along. He could really be the forever I never was able to have.

  He glances back at me and smiles. My heart beating hard in my chest as I take in the beauty of that smile. A smile I see so often now. A smile I used to force out of him. A smile that always deserves to be on that face.

  We pull into his parents’ driveway and I suddenly have the answers to all the questions I have kept locked inside of me. I don’t need Nashville to chase my dreams because leaving Noah behind would be harder than anything I have ever done in my life. He is my forever.

  Noah opens my car door and takes my hand as we walk to his childhood home. I remember the first time I came here. I was so worried about meeting his family, worried they wouldn’t like me. But I’ve been here three times for family dinners since Thanksgiving and I have never felt more accepted in my life. This too feels like home.

  Marlene answers the door and pulls me into a giant hug. “Anna May, I am so happy you are here. Come inside, let me take your coat. Would you like a glass of wine?”