The Fate of Us (The Broken Lyrics Duet Book 2) Page 9
I nod my head. Hearing the words from Mason help. I needed that extra bit of belief from him that what me and Noah are doing is the right move.
“Now that we can move on from talking about your annoyingly perfect relationship with my old as fuck brother, what is this ‘I don’t know what to do about Nashville’? You are going. That’s all there is to it.”
I laugh at the sternness in Mason’s voice.
“Anna, you have been given the opportunity of a lifetime. To be in front of musicians, producers, and songwriters who are living the dream you have. The same dream they once had. If you don’t go, you’ll never make it. If you do go, you might not make it either but at least you went and found out. But I can guarantee that once those people listen to the words you put on paper, hear the sound of your voice, there is no doubting that you will make it.”
I slouch forward and throw my head back. “You make it sound so easy, Mason. But I can’t even write a song right now.”
“So who cares? Isn’t that the whole point of this thing?”
I shake my head and play a few keys. “I need to bring three incomplete songs.”
Mason grabs my shoulders and pulls me to face him. “Exactly, Anna May. Incomplete. You sitting here trying to finish a song doesn’t make it incomplete. Bring it how it is. Raw. Unbridled. Itching to become a hit.”
I bite my lip as I meet his eyes. “It’s so hard.”
“Stop being a perfectionist.”
I punch him in the shoulder. “I can’t just stop.”
He rubs his shoulder and laughs at me. “How about this? We find a way to relax your mind. Then we come back here and figure out the songs you want to take with you. We can even work on them. And then we put the damn papers in the mail because you are going. I’ll make Noah drag you there.”
He has a point. But like usual, my fear is getting the best of me. I have over a hundred unfinished songs I can bring. But my fear of rejection is causing the anxiety to roll in like a wave. Relaxing is probably the best thing I can do for myself. If I could just figure out a way to relax.
“Yoga?” I ask him. Since it’s the only thing I have found that’s brought me inner peace in seven years.
He gets up off the bench, pulling me with him. “No fucking way. I heard what you had Noah do. I am not doing that.”
“It worked.”
He opens the door to the recording room and walks to the front door of the building. “We’ll be back in a few hours, Lyn. I think the guys are stopping by to jam. But other than that, there isn’t a recording blocked out until seven. I’ll be back by then.”
I wave to Lyndsey the receptionist, as I follow Mason out of the studio.
“Oh my god. You are going to pay for that, mister!” I shout at Mason as he cuts me off on the go-kart track causing me to fly into a stack of hay bales.
I never thought when he told me I needed to relax that he would take me racing. I figured a walk or a drink. But this? I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time. It was everything I needed to get out of my head.
I reverse the go-kart and get it out of the haystack and slam on the gas to catch up to Mason. He is pretty far ahead of me but I cannot let him win. Not after he cheated to get past me. This is our fifth and final race. When we started, he said best out of three but when I beat him in all three of those races, he said we were doing five. I brought it up to him that he can’t beat me in a best of five because I already bested him but I think the poor guy just wants to win one race.
I shift the gear in my go-kart and speed up to the fastest speed it will go. I turn the corners hard, making up time as I close in on Mason. He must hear me behind him because he speeds his car up too. Too bad he doesn’t know the trick I know on the gearshift to make these things go faster than intended. I am so grateful I worked at a go-kart park when I was in high school.
He goes to take the corner ahead of him and he drives too wide. I take my chance and slam harder on the gas, taking the turn so tight I think I might flip but it gives me the power I need to zoom past him and fly toward the finish line.
I park the kart, unbuckle, and climb out, jumping up and down as I watch a not very happy Mason pull up next to me.
“You cheat!”
I laugh at him. “You can’t cheat at go-karts. It’s all skill. You are just pissed you got schooled in racing by a girl.”
He shakes his head at me as he pulls his helmet off. “Please, we aren’t twelve.”
“Then why are you so upset?” I make puppy dog eyes and speak in a little kid voice. “You gonna cry now?”
“Fuck off.” He laughs as we head to the gate. “At least you are relaxed now.”
“I am.”
“Damn, Mason. You got completely shut out by a girl.”
Butterflies erupt in my stomach when I hear Noah’s voice. I turn around and those butterflies make their way to my center, heat flooding me. I don’t think I will ever tire of the day I see Noah in a police uniform. All his armor adds extra bulk to him but I think it makes him look sexier, more intense.
For the last few weeks we have been living together, I made it a point to try and be home before he gets home from work so I can see him in uniform. But this week his boss switched him back to morning shifts so he can be rested for his detective exam next week. Now our schedules overlap and it’s been four days since I’ve seen him in his sexy as sin uniform.
I bite my lip as I think about taking that uniform off him piece by piece when Mason starts talking. “Fuck off, Noah. I knew I shouldn’t have texted you.”
I look between the two brothers. “You texted him?”
“Well I didn’t think you would beat me since I come here a lot. Thought you might need to release the rest of your pent-up energy on him when I beat you.”
I laugh as Noah wraps his arm around my shoulder. “Oh I have pent-up energy alright, but it has nothing to do with that race.” I slap my hand over my mouth. I cannot believe I said that in public. If it was me and Noah, I wouldn’t have cared. But I never talk that way in front of others.
Noah growls at that comment as his hand trails down my back and grabs my ass. He leans in and whispers in my ear, “I’ll take care of that, baby. Don’t you worry.”
He looks up at Mason. “So how does it feel to get beaten by a girl again?”
Mason cracks his knuckles. “I really should not have texted you.”
“I’m glad you did,” Noah says. “Because now I can celebrate with my girl.”
“You’ve been beat by a girl before I take it.” I say to Mason.
“No one ever beats me. Ever.”
Noah cuts in. “Except Rosie. She schooled you every time around that course.”
“The only one. Now I got this one too.” He laughs. And I am happy the memory of his sister brings a smile to his face.
“If it makes you feel better, Mase. I did work at a go-kart track in high school.”
Noah bursts out laughing. “Picked the wrong thing to help her relax, Mason.”
Mason shakes his head. “Whatever. I’m glad that helped Anna. Now go do things I don’t want to know about with my brother. We can pick up on those songs tomorrow.”
“Thank you, Mason. I didn’t know I needed that.”
“Anytime,” he says with a wave as he walks out to the parking lot.
Noah grabs my hand, pulling me into him. “Ready to go home?”
I nod because I want nothing more than to strip that uniform off him.
I wipe the sweat from my brow as I hit mile eight of my run. I needed to get the tension out of my system.
Today is the day I find out the results of the detective exam. My sergeant says there is no way I didn’t pass. In fact, he already has a position waiting for me as Detective Taylor.
I never thought this day would come. That I would finally reach this goal I didn’t think I would achieve after we lost Rosie. But here it is. I might have failed this test twice alr
eady but this one feels different. Everything feels different. I don’t know if it’s because of Anna or if I have finally put my past behind me. Of course Anna has a lot to do with that.
I round the corner of the block and slow down to a brisk walk to cool down. I check my watch. I only have an hour before I have to head to the police station and find out. I run inside and take a quick shower, the cold water cooling me down but doing nothing for my nerves.
I pull the nicest suit I have out of my closet. I slowly button up each button on my shirt before tying the black tie around my neck. I slip the navy-blue suit jacket on and step into my bathroom. I comb my hair back and take a deep breath.
I got this.
I pat Brutus on the head as I walk out the door and slide into my cop car. If I pass I won’t be driving this vehicle anymore. It almost feels bittersweet.
As I pull into the station I have a handful of texts from my partner.
Niko: I hope you failed. I don’t want a new partner.
Niko: Everyone around here sucks.
Niko: I can’t believe you are leaving me.
Niko: I hate you.
Niko: All jokes aside. You got this, man. Congratulations.
I smile as I read his texts. I will miss that kid. Of course I will still see him around and will work with him on cases as needed. But I’ll miss the relationship we’ve built the last few years together as partners. Of course, If I do get this I’ll also have a new partner and a new relationship to build. But I am glad I have the department at my back. I originally was going to be a county detective as it is hard to get a spot with APD but someone retired last month and they haven’t filled the position. My sergeant tells me the department wanted it to be me but I think he is lying.
Me: You’ll probably get stuck with a rookie. Sucks to be you.
I laugh as I walk into the station. He was a rookie when we became partners after my old partner retired and I gave him a ton of shit. It’s only fair he gets to do the same now.
I head into the small conference room I was told to go to. I am the first one here and I tap my foot anxiously on the ground as I wait for my sergeant or the chief of police to walk in. My phone buzzes in my pocket. It’s a text and a picture from Anna.
Anna: Can’t wait to celebrate with you tonight. I love you.
The picture is her holding a pair of handcuffs.
Fuck me.
My dick stirs in my pants just as the door opens to the room and the chief of police walks in. I force my dick down as I stand and shake his hand.
“Noah Taylor, I never thought I would see the day that you finally made the decision to become a detective.”
I shake his hand and we both sit down as my sergeant walks into the room followed by Sergeant Willows, head of the detectives. “It was a long time coming, sir.”
“And he deserves it more than anyone. One of the best cops on the squad.” Sergeant Ames sits down with a folder in his hand and a box. “Want to do this or shall I?”
The police chief gestures for Ames to continue. “Officer Taylor, it is with great honor I present to you your new badge.” My breath catches in my throat as he opens the box and hands me the gold emblemed badge. “Congratulations. We are proud of you, Detective Taylor.”
I blink back tears, not letting them fall as I grip the badge in my hand. I make a silent prayer to Rosie, letting her know this is all for her.
The police chief clears his throat. “Noah, you had some of the best scores I have ever seen anyone have on this exam. I know you will make a huge difference with the department and with the city of Asheville. It’s with great honor I offer you a position here with us at Asheville PD as a detective.”
I grip his hand in a firm handshake thanking him for everything, the opportunity, his trust in me, the job. He goes over the expectations and everything I need to know, what the next few weeks will look like as I adapt into my new role.
By the time I get home, I only have a few hours before the party starts. Niko and my brothers planned a celebratory party for me because they all said they knew I would pass. And I am excited to celebrate with them. The huge weight that I’ve had on my chest for years is finally gone. I did all of this so I can protect others from what happened to Rosie. And I know she is looking down on me, happy that I made detective.
I set my keys and phone on the kitchen counter before letting Brutus outside. I shout out Anna’s name but don’t get a response. Her car was in her driveway so I know she is around. Maybe she is at her old place, packing up a few more things to move over.
I head next door and walk in, shouting her name again so I don’t scare her but she doesn’t respond.
“Excuse me, sir, but I believe you just broke into this place. I can arrest you for that.”
My face breaks into a smile as I turn around and find her in the hallway. My dick hard as a rock with one look at her.
She has on the damn cop costume she wore last year for Halloween. The dark blue of it making her green eyes pop. But that is not what I am focused on. My eyes move to her voluptuous tits that are barely contained in the dress. And I know her ass looks even better in it. She even has the knee-high boots on and the garter belt. I grin at her as I assess her. Last time I couldn’t touch but this time she is all mine.
I take a step toward her but she holds her hand up in front of me. “Stop right there. You are under arrest.”
I don’t stop. I slowly walk toward her as she swings the handcuffs in her hand.
“I told you to stop. If you don’t stop resisting, I will use force.”
I can see her breaths picking up the closer I get to her and I know how turned on she already is. “I’m sorry, officer, but you don’t have any jurisdiction here.”
“Is that so?” she asks me, her voice husky. She props her hand on her hip and I bite my lip at the sight of her.
I reach her and grip the wrist the handcuffs are in. “This is a crime scene and only detectives can be on the scene.”
She lets go of the handcuffs, letting them fall to the ground and presses her hands into my chest, gliding them up to my neck. She stands on her tiptoes and brushes a quick kiss across my lips. “I’m so proud of you.”
My hands go directly to her luscious ass but she pulls them away. “Well Detective, the crime scene is secure. I’ll just be on my way.”
She turns around and bends down, directly at the waist to pick up the handcuffs. It gives me a direct view of her pussy. My little wildflower is not wearing any underwear.
My hands are on her ass in seconds, pulling her against my hips so she can feel how hard my cock is. I dip one hand underneath the skirt, slicking my fingers through her center to find her already dripping for me.
She stands up and I wrap my arm around her front. “You are in violation of the law, officer. I am going to need to arrest you.”
I grab the cuffs out of her hand and lift her up. She squeals in my arms and rubs her ass against my dick. I walk her into the bedroom and throw her on the bed. I take my suit jacket off, followed by my tie.
She flips over on the bed and stares at me as she spreads her legs.
I grab the handcuffs and crawl over her, gripping her arms, dragging them above her head. “You have been a very bad cop. What shall your punishment be?”
She moans as I lick up her neck and bite on her earlobe. She struggles against me as I pull her arms up to her headboard, clasping the cuffs around the top and to each wrist.
“Those handcuffs were supposed to be for you,” she rasps.
“Mmm. I like them better on you.” I slowly move my hands down her body, twisting her nipples through the costume. My hands find the way to her thighs and I spread them even further apart. She is glistening and I cannot wait to taste her.
I lower my head as I lick up her thigh, her whimpers making my dick raging hard. But I need to taste her first. My tongue drags through her center before I suck on her clit.
“Fuck, Noah.”
I chuckle into
her heat, knowing the vibrations will only make her more turned on. I lick and suck and bite on her until she is almost to the edge before I pull back. I unbutton the buttons on her costume slowly, teasing her with my hands as I move up her body. Once the costume is open, I peel it to each side of her, revealing her sexy, plush body.
My mouth goes for her nipples, sucking and nibbling on them as she moans my name. Her hips buck into mine and I know she is close again, looking for friction to get her off.
I slide my way back down her body, my fingers sliding between her folds, teasing her entrance before pulling away again.
“Dammit, Noah. I am so close. Just—just—”
I blow cool air on her clit as my finger teases her again and she groans so loud I feel the vibrations in my dick. I give her one last lick before pulling off the bed.
She is flushed all over and from the look in her eyes she likes this game as much as I do even if she doesn’t want to admit it.
“I wish I could take a picture of you like this,” I tell her, my fingers wet with her juices coming to my mouth. “You taste just as good as you look.”
“Maybe you should just finish what you started.”
I smirk at her as she struggles on the bed. I slowly unbutton my shirt, pulling it off before I take off my pants and briefs. My dick is in my hand and I stroke it as I watch her squirm.
She bites her lip and I know how badly she wants me. I crawl back onto the bed, slicking my fingers through her heat once more. I use her wetness to coat my dick as I stroke it in front of her. Precum drips from the tip and I grow harder with every stroke.
“Noah, please.” Anna’s begging makes me even harder.
“Do you want my dick?”
Her legs spread wider on the bed, letting me see her pussy that is begging for me. “Fuck yes. Just put it in me, please.”